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Google Kubernetes Engine

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool, helps manage multiple container, nodes and pods, provided services like health checks, scheduling and scaling

Google Kubernetes Engine

  • Split into the Control plane and Nodes
  • Nodes container Pods
  • Pods contain containers
  • Application resides in Containers img.png

High availability

  • Replication occurs to three zones
  • Zero downtime upgrades
  • Uptime is 99.5 for zonal and 99.9 for regional
  • Eliminate single point of failure

Logging and monitoring

  • Stackdriver provides all application logs

Deploy and manage applications

  1. Create/Select project
  2. Browse to the Kubernetes Engine Dashboard
  3. Create/Select Cluster
  4. Open cloud Shell
  5. Deploy application: kubectl run wordpress --image=wordpress --port=80
  6. Expose application: kubectl expose deployment wordpress --type=LoadBalancer
  7. Check the service details: kubectl describe services wordpress
  8. Open the load balancer ingress URL: kubectl get ingress wordpress

Create and manage node pools

  1. gcloud container node-pools create pool-1 --cluster=cluster-1 --num-nodes-3 --zone=us-central1-a
  2. gcloud container node-pools list --cluster=cluster-1
  3. gcloud container clusters resize node-pools resize pool-1 --node-pool pool1 --num-nodes-2
  4. gcloud container node-pools delete pool-1 --cluster=cluster-1

Kubectl Cheet sheet